Test case: <rect>

According to the SVG Accessibility API Mappings (AAM), the <rect> element and other basic shape elements should implicitly map to the ARIA img role.

Test examples

rect element

circle element

ellipse element

line element

polyline element

polygon element

Test criteria

Test results

Browser test results
Chrome 46 (IA2) Edge Win10.1024 (UIA) Firefox 42 (IA2) IE 11 (MSAA) Safari 9 (NSAP)
***Element/attribute*** ? ? ? ? ?
Screen reader test results
Chrome 46 Edge Win10.1024 Firefox 42 IE 11 Safari 9
Jaws 17 ? ? ? ? N/A
Narrator Win10.1024 N/A ? N/A ? N/A
NVDA 2015.4 ? ? ? ? N/A
Orca ? N/A N/A ? N/A N/A
VoiceOver OSX10.11 ? N/A ? N/A ?